Firewall Analyzer ナレッジベース





Firewall Analyzerは、指定した条件に一致したログを受信するとアラートとして発報する機能「アラートプロファイル」が実装されています。

アラート設定で定義可能な項目とその項目に対応するログ内のフィールドを関連付けた一覧を記載しています。 アラート設定を行う際の参考として、ご参照ください。
※ナレッジでは例として、FortiGate(ログがWELF形式)とBlueCoat Proxy SGのみの情報提供となります。


SS 2015-10-27 14.43.19



条件 フィルター項目
Severity is isn't contains start with end with
Protocol is isn't contains start with end with
Date is isn't is before is after is on or before is on or after
Received(in Bytes) < <= = > >=
Sent(in Bytes) < <= = > >=
Source is isn't contains start with end with
User is isn't contains start with end with
Destination is isn't contains start with end with
URL is isn't contains start with end with
Status is isn't contains start with end with
FileName is isn't contains start with end with
Rule is isn't contains start with end with
VPN is isn't contains start with end with
Virus is isn't contains start with end with
Attack is isn't contains start with end with
Protocol Identifier is isn't contains start with end with
Message is isn't contains start with end with
Duration(in secs) < <= = > >=
Record Type is isn't contains start with end with
Log ID is isn't contains start with end with
Category is isn't contains start with end with



条件 説明
is ~である
isn't ~でない
contains ~を含む
start with ~で始まる
end with ~で終わる
is before ~より以前
is after ~より以後
is on or before ~と同じ または それより以前
is on or after ~と同じ または それより以後


FortiGate ログとアラートの紐付け


条件 ログ内のフィールド
Severity pri
Protocol service or proto
Date date and time
Received(inBytes) rcvd
Sent(inBytes) sent
Source src
User user
Destination dst
URL url
Status status (FortiOS5.2以後 action)
FileName --
Rule policyid
VPN vpn
Virus virus
Attack attack
Protocol Identifier service or proto
Message msg
Duration(insecs) duration
RecordType type
LogID log_id
Category cat


BlueCoat Proxy SG ログとアラートの紐付

BlueCoat Proxy SGのログとアラートで定義可能な項目との対応表です。

条件 ログ内フィールド
Protocol cs-uri-scheme
Source c-ip
Destination cs-host
URL cs-uri
Duration time-taken
Sent cs-bytes
Received sc-bytes
User cs-username